Monday, September 30, 2019

Juggling and Indian Jugglers

Indian Jugglers and the meaning of life I've just come across a superb essay entitled ‘The Indian Jugglers' from William Hazlitt's 19th century collection Table Talk (1828). Hazlitt starts the essay by describing his absolute astonishment upon watching Indian Jugglers perform in London's Olympic Theatre. Hazlitt was known for his wildly exaggerated style. However, his genuine amazement is clear: Coming forward and seating himself on the ground in his white dress and tightened turban, the chief of the Indian Jugglers begins with tossing up two brass balls, which is what any of us could do, and concludes with keeping up four at the same time, which is what none of us could do to save our lives, nor if we were to take our whole lives to do it in. Is it then a trifling power we see at work, or is it not something next to miraculous!It is the utmost stretch of human ingenuity, which nothing but the bending the faculties of body and mind to it from the tenderest infancy with incessan t, ever-anxious application up to manhood, can accomplish or make even a slight approach to. Man, thou art a wonderful animal, and thy ways past finding out! Thou canst do strange things, but thou turnest them to little account! – To conceive of this effort of extraordinary dexterity distracts the imagination and makes admiration breathless. † Hazlitt was clearly gobsmacked.He goes on to state next that â€Å"As to the swallowing of the sword, the police ought to interfere to prevent it. â€Å". But it was the juggling act that astounded Hazlitt to such an extent that he was left questioning his own worth: â€Å"The hearing a speech in Parliament, drawled or stammered out by the Honourable Member or the Noble Lord, the ringing the changes on their common-places, which any one could repeat after them as well as they, stirs me not a jot, shakes not my good opinion of myself: but the seeing the Indian Jugglers does. It makes me ashamed of myself.I ask what there is that I can do as well as this! Nothing. What have I been doing all my life! Have I been idle, or have I nothing to shew for all my labour and pains! † Hazlitt went on in his exasperating vain: â€Å"have I passed my time in pouring words like water into empty sieves, rolling a stone up a hill and then down again, trying to prove an argument in the teeth of facts, and looking for causes in the dark, and not finding them? Is there no one thing in which I can challenge competition, that I can bring as an instance of exact perfection, in which others cannot find a flaw?The utmost I can pretend to is to write a description of what this fellow can do. I can write a book: so can many others who have not even learned to spell. What abortions are these Essays! What errors, what ill-pieced transitions, what crooked reasons, what lame conclusions! How little is made out, and that little how ill! Yet they are the best I can do. I endeavour to recollect all I have ever observed or thought upo n a subject, and to express it as nearly as I can. Instead of writing on four subjects at a time, it is as much as I can manage to keep the thread of one discourse clear and unentangled.I have also time on my hands to correct my opinions, polish my periods: but the one I cannot, and the other I will not do. † A juggling act then left a great critic deeply critical of his own worth. The mere act of juggling four balls was all that was needed to ignite Hazlitt's needling sense of failure and lack of confidence. Most of us as writers, I think, occasionally or very often feel like Hazlitt. Hazlitt, unfortunately, died a poor outsider not long after this essay was published. No doubt the troupe of Indians he saw, presumably far away from home and very likely getting paid a pittance, amazed many in London and elsewhere.But Hazlitt, the enlightened post-1789er, saw something more. What he witnessed deeply affected him personally but is also suggestive of his general approach to criti cism. The skill of the juggling that night left him open-mouthed and his response has to be written down and shaped into words. Hazlitt saw something new and different and could describe the act with freshness and verve. He said of the juggling: â€Å"To catch four balls in succession in less than a second of time, and deliver them back so as to return with seeming consciousness to the hand gain, to make them revolve round him at certain intervals, like the planets in their spheres, to make them chase one another like sparkles of fire, or shoot up like flowers or meteors, to throw them behind his back and twine them round his neck like ribbons or like serpents, to do what appears an impossibility, and to do it with all the ease, the grace, the carelessness imaginable, to laugh at, to play with the glittering mockeries, to follow them with his eye as if he could fascinate them with its lambent fire, or as if he had only to see that they kept time with the music on the stage – there is something in all this which he who does not admire may be quite sure he never really admired any thing in the whole course of his life. â€Å"Hazlitt's own description of juggling illustrates his own talent and skills, sadly only appreciated in full after his death in 1830. Hazlitt appeared to make criticism as art appear easy and effortless, whether critiquing the plays of Shakespeare, writing biographies or discovering his own astonishment about Indian jugglers. Hazlitt's reputation and own skill as a literary and social critic lived on long after his death, latterly prospering, in part because of this internalised child-like wonder and fascination alongside his undoubted ability to see and describe the world anew, not least when viewing jugglers from the East.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Oil Crisis of 1973-1974: A Brief History with Documents Essay

During the fall of shah, massive crisis occurred especially in the oil resources, and the United States was not able to foresee such crisis. It is a well known fact that Iran served as one of the top most provider of world’s oil, and even Saudi Arabia proclaimed the initiation of Iran’s oil production. For the record, it is Iran who has been supplying the global oil requirement for at 5 to 7 percent . However, with such dependence on major oil suppliers, such as Iran, the dependency of oil companies, suppliers and consumers was turned down by the shortage and crises that occurred during 1970s. During this moment, the economic stability of oil supplies was shaken by the shortage; hence, different oil companies, suppliers and consumers stock up fearing that the oil costs might increase . During the two consecutive price shocks for oil products in 1970s, primarily, it was caused by the extensive decrease of oil supply in the market. The price increase even surged up to twenty fold compared to previous prices from 1960s . During this year, a considerable market panic occurred, which significantly marked the economic history of oil supplies. Hence, this even was termed as the Oil Crisis of 1973-1974 . Between hoarding and speculative buying, oil prices went up throughout 1979 and into 1980s. Iraq’s plot of invading Iran had significantly altered the oil supply present in the country during that time. lran War kept Iranian oil off the market and caused a 70 percent cutback in Iraqi oil exports as well . In this study, the primary issues to be covered are the events that occurred during the oil crisis of 1973 and 1974 wherein the oil crisis settled in and caused an economic turmoil on oil stocks. The study provides more emphasis on the effects of war in oil crisis, the oil crisis causing the economic panic, and the shortage causing market and civilian anxiety over price hikes of commodities. Discussion As the 1973 – 1974 oil crisis settled in the international world market, oil company profits surged upward during the new crisis and their critics cried foul. Various debates and conducted studies had been initiated during that point with the aims of determining the primary suspect for the cause of oil shortage; however, only contributory factors were obtained, but there were no exact data to pinpoint the cause of the oil crisis . To give an idea in terms of the oil price hike during this period, during 1960s, the barrel of crude oil cost only about US $2 per barrel. However, by the time the oil crisis struck the market in 1973 and 1974, the per barrel cost even reached up to U.  S $10, which is approximately 5 fold increase from 1960s . The reason for this development was that the resource countries claimed the property rights to the crude oil reserves in their soil. Due to the extensive shortage of oil production in the country, oil companies, most especially those supplying international market and small to large scale oil companies, were cut oil from their supply sources. Because of these, the shortage on oil supplies emerged rapidly and greatly and the price hike continued to surge in unexpected amounts. Added in these issues, the oil companies, particularly the internationally scoped firms, had to add the shouldered royalty . Even with the extended period of cooperation with Saudi Arabia, the conflicts in the Middle East, such as the Iran-Iraq war, and British conflict with gulf countries, had all contributed to the decline and shortage of oil production. The oil crisis dramatically changed the United States’ perspective among the countries in the Gulf region. During the manifestation of the crisis, the United States even had to pay an incredibly high toll, more than the European toll. Hence, the United States studied the policies on oil flow and therefore prioritized the determining of the hostile disruption on oil flow, then counters such predicament to solve the crisis on oil shortage . After the issues on oil shortage eased, the number of different companies who have been speculating on the reigning shortage of oil did not fade away. Suspicion among industrial firms and companies still rose and the conspiratorial perspective of oil industries and establishments were all firmly established. In addition, around 1960s, American confidence in business associations and political sectors had been declining due to the perceived incompetencies of these sectors to manage the crisis on oil . The effect of the oil shortage in the countries had caused tremendous economic panic in both public and private sectors. The introduction of new priced oil stocks with a very high price gap from 1960s had caused massive decline in capital, which in the end caused the decline in production, employment and growth. In addition, during the same period, the initiation of oil redistribution of real income in favor of the oil-producing nations took place. Due to the world wide shortage on oil reserves, industrialized nations had to give away export oil products in order to compensate the need of world market; hence, the value of appropriate trade further deteriorated . After the first crisis on 1973 and 1974, another came in on January 1979; however, majority of the public was not able to notice the initial effects of the second crisis. Moreover, it was only in March 1979 when the public began to feel the impacts of the second strike of the crises; although, this one accounts less disturbing compared to the initial strike of shortage . Conclusion In the conclusion of the study, the origin of the oil crisis from 1973 to 1974 was relatively indefinite, yet there were speculations on how the crisis became worst. Some of the issues that contributed to the increasing prices of oil were the Iran-Iraq war, the British arguments with Saudi Arabia, and the shortage of oil supply. The effect of these incidence caused tremendous price hike on all oil commodities, which initiated market panic and hoarding among oil suppliers and small to large scale companies. The second wave of oil shortage followed; however, it was not deemed as heavy as the 1973-1974 incidents.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Plato's _Meno_ discussion Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plato's _Meno_ discussion - Dissertation Example The change in perspective of the Athenians can be related to the accusations made against Socrates. By telling Meno to convince Anytus, the Athenians’ view of Socrates can change. His intention was in line with the Apology that is to present his virtues. He brought up the issue on the meaning of the concept of virtue to present himself as a person who has the knowledge about virtue. Another is the manner by which virtue can be achieved and taught. Socrates concluded in the end of Meno that virtue is a gift from God to the virtuous, which means that the concept is there for everyone to acquire but only the virtuous people have the capability to use it. What then are the specific benefits of the dialogue regarding virtue? The discussion regarding virtue can be considered beneficial to Socrates because through the dialogue, he was able to present himself as a person who knows the meaning of the concept of virtue. In addition to his apology, he was able to present his real charact er, which can be considered as the reason why he challenged Meno on convincing Anytus for the benefit of the Athenians. The said discussion on the other hand is significant to the readers as a trigger towards a deeper view on the general concept of virtue, which is important since the meaning of the word itself is often overlooked.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Target customers and marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Target customers and marketing strategy - Essay Example These needs are: psychological (hunger, thirst), safety (protection), social (be accepted, belong to a certain group), esteem (self-confidence, achievements, respect, status, recognition), and self-actualization (realizing one’s potential for continued self-development) (Maslow, 1970). This leads to the statement that a satisfied need is not a motivator. There is a doubt whether this really applies in practice to the higher needs as it is likely that self-esteem requires continues stimulation and renewal. In spite of its clarity it has some limitations which make it unacceptable in all situations (Wasserman, 2009). Few attempts have been made to test the validity of Maslows ideas. A big problem is that many companies do not satisfy higher-order needs through their jobs or occupations, and this cannot really be tested. Another point is that he viewed satisfaction as a major motivator and this is not directly related to production. In addition, Maslow does not mention the time p eriod between various needs (Raymond et al 2003). Applied to target customers and marketing strategy, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs allows managers to predict needs and demands of customers and their desires. Buyers do not always know why they decide to make a purchase -- and even when they do, they may prefer to keep the reason to themselves. Often, more than one reason or psychological motive may underlie a purchase, some of which may be known to the purchaser and others not. Separating the conscious from the subconscious is at best taxing, if not impossible. An understanding of buyer behavior has been strengthened by psychologically based concepts and theories of behavior and by psychoanalytical ideas (Wasserman, 2009). The psychological factors that shape personalities and needs are particularly significant in purchase and consumption behavior. Analysis of wants, motivations, attitudes, expectations,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Data Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Data Management - Essay Example Data collected from the survey will be numerically coded and processed and analyzed using he computer software, Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) Version 17.0.0 (2008) and Minitab 15 (2009). Findings regarding the effectiveness of the education-based programs will be reported using appropriate graphs and tabulations. It is believed that education has buttressed it hold on its significance in development. In fact, Comim (2009) argues that â€Å"a proper understanding of current trends in development is not without a proper account of the role of education in the promotion of human flourishing† (p. 88). This study, therefore, aims to undertake assessment of how an educational programme among the Karen minorities in Thailand affected their quality of life and has prepared them towards brighter prospects in the future. With already more than â‚ ¤1.5 million laid out for its University Scholarships and Teacher Training projects, it is high time that a quantitative analysis of the joint effectiveness of the two education-based programmes be carried out to examine how the Karen tribes have benefited from their participation. The evaluation will consider the profile of the respondent Karen tribe beneficiaries in terms of the following variables designated as numbers 1 to 5 in the questionnaire: age, gender, programme, course, and category of participation. 1. Level of satisfaction of the programme participants with respect to the variables indicated in item numbers 6-19 in the questionnaire, namely: fair and equitable selection process; commitment and attitude of the KHT staff towards the participants; availability of provisions and resources for the conduct of the programme; monitoring of students/trainees while under the programme; support given to the students/trainees while under the programme; support given to students/trainees after completing the programme; funding, quality of education/training provided;

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Does the efficient market theory apply on the forex market Fundamental Literature review

Does the efficient market theory apply on the forex market Fundamental analysis Vs. Technical analysis - Literature review Example In the international trade, the buyer or seller of the products wants to have payment in his home currency. This needs an exchange of currencies from that of a seller to that of a buyer. Any international trade will involve in any two instantaneous transactions: Exchange of the products in a physical form Sale or purchase of foreign currency In any international trade, the sale or purchase of any product will affect only one the parties in the foreign exchange. Suppose, If a British importer buy ? 100,000 worth of products from an American manufacturer, and the invoice is billed in US$, the burden falls on the British importer to buy ? to complete that business transaction and vice-versa. Thus, the party assumes the risk that the exchange rate on that specific date of conversion is positive to that party. (James, Neelankavil & Rai 2009:246). The Forex market is operating on an international basis where currency of each nation is bought and sold freely. The forex system was introduced in the 1970s at the time of introduction of free exchange rates and the price of one currency, and the price of one currency against another that happens from demand and supply that are only decided by the market participants.(Dicks 2010: 5). Forex market can be termed as a perfect market as it cannot be either monopolised or controlled by any of its participants. Due to ever increasing number of transactions on a daily basis makes it as the biggest liquid financial market and as per an estimate, money transaction involves in the forex market form up to US$ 6 trillion per day. This figure is only a tentative figure as the exact amount cannot be quantified due to the transactions are not centralised on a forex single exchange. With the help of telecommunication, trading is carried over all over the globe and with electronic networks with five days in week and 24 hours a day and there are dealers quoting currencies in each time zone through the main central markets: New York, London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Tokyo, New Zealand and Australia. (Dicks 2010: 5). The forex market is being able to maintain its goal and avoid being manipulated or controlled by any few or one of its participants since the volume transacted is so high that if any of them would want to distort by changing price at their volition, they have to operate with hundreds of billions of dollars. That is why forex market cannot be swayed by any single participant and even though, there are scenarios where large transactions can appear to assume control of the forex market for a few minutes, the balance is restored again instantly due to the great liquidity associated. This also permits traders to derive revenues by closing and opening positions within a few seconds. (Dicks 2010: 5). The place or venue for the sale and purchase of foreign currency is called as the foreign exchange market. This research essay will make a complete literature review on an efficient market hypothesis of forex market, inc luding fundamental and technical analysis, also offers a brief history on the forex market and overview of the market in an exhaustive manner. Definition of Foreign Currency A foreign currency rate denotes to the price any person pays in one currency to buy another currency. It is to be observed that a currency is analogous to any other product namely food or gold; its price is decided by the supply or demand for the said product. For instance, if a forex dealer quotes US$ 1.35 per ?, then he is quoting US$1.35 for the sale or purchase of per ?. (James, Neelankavil & Rai 2009:247). Quotes for exchange rates are available either for instant release or for the future delivery. For the immediate delivery, the price of foreign currency is known as spot rate. Due to introduction of advanced IT in the forex transactions, now it is made possible for a spot transaction to be cleared or settled on the same day is possible. The largest consortium of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Government College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Government College - Essay Example The Legislature is the prime law-making body and it is called the Congress in the United States. It is divided into two houses---The Senate and the House of Representatives. The Congress passes bills and transforms them into acts and laws, approves or disproves of the appointments made by the President, it declares wars and also gives its consent on treaties. The Executive branch is the one that ensures the execution of laws passed by the Legislature. In the United States, the President is the head of the Executive organ of the Government and performs numerous functions. The most important ones among those functions are, that he is the Commander-in-Chief, he makes appointments in association with the recommendations of the Legislature, he can veto bills and laws; besides ensuring the proper implementations and execution of laws. The Judiciary is the body of the government that undertakes the job of administering justice and taking charge of the criminal and civil offences in the country. In the United States, the Supreme Court is the apex court, which also serves as the highest court of appeal. The other federal courts exercise their functions in accordance with their position in the hierarchal set-up. The Judiciary also interprets laws for the country. In addition to this, it also performs the functions of Judicial Review, which means, it undertakes the task of declaring a bill/act or law unconstitutional, if it goes against the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States also has a system of Checks and Balances, wherein each organ of the Government is granted autonomy, as well as, responsibility. In other words, one organ of the government can check the other organ, in case it goes beyond its sphere of activity or conducts proceedings in a manner that is outside its power. This way, none of the organs can attain supremacy over the other, in spite of maintaining their exclusiveness in their own realm. It, thus, checks and balances the functioning of all the three organs of the Government. In this process of working together and taking charge of the whole Governmental machinery and functioning, the three organs could sometimes overlap each other in their functioning and cause chaotic situations. The most common possibility of this occurrence is between the Legislature and the Judiciary! Sometimes, it so happens that in the process of interpreting laws that have been made by the Legislature, the Judiciary not only interprets it but also adds its own interpretations and thus, leads to the framing of new laws. This can prove to be quite confusing and

Monday, September 23, 2019

How Has the Introduction of the Computers And IT to Markets Changed Research Paper

How Has the Introduction of the Computers And IT to Markets Changed the Way Stocks And Bonds Trade - Research Paper Example Computer technology and internet has changed the dynamics of global financial markets and this will be explained in great detail. Information technology has increased the dissemination of information and this has contributed to the growth of financial sector all over the world. Information technology has also made financial markets of the world integrated. The study will help identify possible effects of development of information technology and computer on the financial markets, specifically on bond trading and stock trading. Research Question Information technology has brought many changes in our daily life. The financial markets all over the world are now in the reach of normal investors which was previously not possible. But this is just one effect of information technology and computers on financial markets. In order to better understand how computers and internet have revolutionized stock and bond trading the more aftereffects of information technology should be identified. Res earch question we would want to answer through this study is given below: Question: How has the introduction of the computers and IT to markets changed the way stocks and bonds trade? Literature Review Financial markets started to grow rapidly in the 1980s when financial liberalization became the norm. Countries like United States started to liberate their financial sectors and deregulation started in the financial markets. Private firms and investment houses were given freedom to come up with newer products and offer investment option to normal investors. Financial liberalization focused on deregulation of financial markets where central bank’s role was just to control inflation. This was the time of significant growth in the financial markets and investment firms... The author stresses that the results of the study have identified changes that information technology and internet has brought to trading of stocks and bonds. Information technology has increased volumes and volatility, has increased global integration, has made markets more efficient, and has increased complexity of financial products. These changes are not disputed at all and most of the literature available on the internet supports our findings. Information technology has also made markets more efficient since the dissemination of the information has improved. Now a press conference in USA can be seen live in any part of the world and investors can make decisions accordingly. Internet and computers have therefore made sure that news or event is represented in the prices of stocks. Internet has made it impossible to hide information from investors. This report makes a conclusion that Internet trading is a growing market and investment firms should try to capitalize them. Also youth is getting attracted towards online trading therefore this should also be kept in mind before launching newer products. More accurate data can be collected by conducting a survey based quantitative study. Impressions of youth and internet traders can be taken regarding stock and bond trading. This can more accurately predict specific changes that have come in trading patterns after advent of internet and computers. Longitudinal studies can also help explore more specific trading activity related questions. The research we have conducted has a major limitation. We have not collected any primary data and previous literature has been used to answers research question.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Mac Tool Company and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Mac tools due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. This summary will also cover product approaches for their process performance measurements that consist of, batch assembly line and continuous flow approaches. This executive summary of process performance measurement will quantitatively tell Mac Tools something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that produce them. To conclude this summary, this tool will help Mac Tools understand, manage, and improve the company’s processes. To begin, the first service approach for Mac Tools process performance management consist of production line approach to improve the company’s performance efficiently and effectively. Mac Tools starts with each employee receiving their performance file that includes their consistency, effectiveness, and efficiency for their progress for success and promotions. These performance measurements, that includes their 10-15 machines of production line approaches. There will be a selection on running their machine to run perfect parts or to make changes but this way they have it recorded and make the changes as needed. The second service approach for the process performance measurement plan consists of, a self-service approach. Mac Tools will be implementing EMC2 consulting services with HR and then management to assure that every activity provides meaningful value. (EMC2, 2013). At Mac Tools there are a lot of fragmented processes that can be avoided so financially and human resources are not drained and diminish any chances of keeping up with changing markets and customer demand. There are self-service approaches in this change for the  process performance management plan for every employee (machine operators etc†¦) that include, â€Å"Streamline processes to expedite new product introduction, standardize, integrate, and improve existing processes, design and implement new processes, simulate and model processes for operators, define process metric and performance management strategies.†(EMC2, 2013). The third service approaches for the process performance management plan consist of personal attention approach. Mac Tools should implement the personal attention approach that will include specific competencies that will best be determined through a job analysis process. Competencies that will be included in this personal attention job analysis approach will consist of, accountability and dependability, adaptability and flexibility, advocating causes analysis and reasoning attention to detail business alignment. All of these competency functions are to determine each employee’s performance file and documented with constructive criticism and praise to becoming successful with and for the company. The Mac Tool Company also needs to implement product approaches for their process performance management plan. The first product approach that will be implemented is known as a batch approach. A batch approach can be known as a lean manufacturing process also and focuses on demand-based flow manufacturing. â€Å"This type of production setting, inventory is pulled through each production center when it is needed to meet production orders; this will deliver the benefits of, decreased cycle time, less inventory, increased productivity and increased capital equipment utilization.† (Wiki, 2013) The second product approach for Mac Tools process performance management plans consist of, assembly line approach. By Mac Tools implementing the assembly line approach, it will keep all operators on the same page and get product sent to the next department for the assembly of the product being put together. Then finally are sent to the final department to be inspected and shipped. Having different departments for the processes of the product, and having an assembly line approach for each step will keep the company’s organization on line for their performance management. The third product approach for Mac Tools process performance management plans consist of, a continuous flow approach. The continuous flow approach are implemented through the â€Å"lean building blocks†, like, â€Å"Five S: Aims to bring orderliness, tidiness , and cleanliness to operations ,visual controls: All  tooling parts and other production activities are kept clearly in view to help everyone understand the status of the process at a glance. Poka-Yoke: Mistake Proofing. Process designs can be modified to make it nearly impossible for mistakes, spills, leaks, and other process upsets to occur. By implementing these techniques and others will uphold the continuous flow approach for the process performance management plan for the Mac Tool Company. In conclusion, the process design matrix and executive summary was focused on the Mac Tool Company and what their performance measurement process entailed. The executive summary was needed for Mac Tools due to their lack of process performance management that was included in these service approaches that consisted of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. The summary also covered product approaches for their process performance measurements that consisted of, batch, assembly line, and continuous flow approaches. The executive summary that entailed their process performance measurements will quantitatively tell Mac Tools something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that produced them. To conclude this summary, this tool will ensure that Mac Tools understands, manages, and improves the company’s processes for their future business and profits. References EMC2, (2013). Business process management. Retrieved on January 13, 2015 from management-bpm.htm Lean Manufacturing (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved on January 13, 2015 from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Real Estate Intern Report Essay Example for Free

Real Estate Intern Report Essay The company analyzed and discussed in this analysis is one of many health insurance companies registered under the Security Exchange Commission. UnitedHealth Group Incorporated or commonly referred as, â€Å"United Health Group,† or the â€Å"Company is the central tenant which this paper will focus on.† The Company, which was formally known as Charter Med Incorporated, was founded by a group of physicians and health care professionals in 1974. Their main objective was to give consumers a broad variety of options on health care coverage. A decade later, UnitedHealth Group becomes publicly traded, concentrating heavily on modern day technology. As a public traded company, UnitedHealth Group can be denoted as their ticker symbol, UNH. UnitedHealth Group’s core structure posits the goal of helping people live healthier lives by innovating thinking. The foundation of the Company is derived from the best practices in the medical care business. By achieving this goal, UNH uses incorporates an innovative and progressive clientele for their business management team to advance the health of patients. In order to reach out to potential patients, the Company operates under two platforms: UnitedHealthcare, which offers health benefits, and Optum which provides health services. UnitedHealthcare segments include Employer Individuals, Medicare Retirement, Community State and International. In contrast, Optum’s sections consist of OptumHealth, OptumInsight, and OptumRx. To fully understand the Company’s strategy, we must first understand its mission. UnitedHealth Group mission is â€Å"helping people live healthier lives and making health care work better (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p. 1).†After we have establish a sense of understanding, we can further conduct a series of analysis by using tools such as PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT analysis. As a result, we will be able to interpret UnitedHealth Group’s strategy and its competitive advantage. PESTEL 1). Political A). â€Å"The laws and rules governing our business and interpretations of those laws and rules are subject to frequent change, and the integration into our businesses of entities that we acquire may affect the way in which existing laws and rules apply to us†¦agencies administering, interpreting and enforcing current and future regulations governing our business could force us to change how we do business, restrict revenue and enrollment growth, increase our health care and administrative costs and capital requirements, or expose us to increased liability in courts for coverage determinations, contract interpretation and other actions (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.17).† B). In general, health care industry is and will continue to be heavily regulated in order to protect consumers. Insurance companies and other identities must be licensed in order to operate and hold jurisdiction where business are practiced. The complexity of regulations impedes companies such as UnitedHealth Group from generating revenue. As a result, the regulations force the Company to change how they do business. For example, UnitedHealth Group signed a contract with the Department of Defense to provide coverage to those in the military who are active or retired. The service known as TRICARE Managed Care Support will serve more than 2.7 million beneficiaries in 21 states (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.4). Thus, the losses leveraged from other services or products did not satisfy proper regulation. 2). Economic A). â€Å"Unfavorable economic conditions may impact demand for certain of our products and services. For example, high unemployment rates have caused and could continue to cause lower enrollment or lower rates of renewal in our employer group plans and our non-employer individual plans (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.25).† B). Because the economy changes daily, it is impossible to predict the certainty of unemployment rates. Unemployment rates are inversely related to the success of company operations. Simply, if rates increase, then membership levels decrease. To manage the inconsistency of unemployment rates, UnitedHealth Group offers a spectrum of products and services. When the economy is strong, traditional plans that typically â€Å"include a full range of medical benefits and network options from managed plans such as Choice and Options PPO† (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.3), tend to thrive. Conversely, when unemployment is high and the economy is weaker, essential benefits product which offer less than traditional plans but still provide basic services such as guides to physicians, become copious. 3). Sociocultural A). â€Å"As we continue to expand our business outside the United States, acquired foreign businesses, such as Amil, will present challenges that are different from those presented by acquisitions of domestic businesses, including adapting to new markets, business, labor and cultural practices and regulatory environments that are materially different from what we have experienced in our U.S. operations (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.24).† B).Although the Company’s main operations are in the United States, it has expanded its operations to other nations. Conducting business internationally faces many factors such as â€Å"political, economic, legal compliance, regulations, and operational risks and exposures that are unique and vary by jurisdiction (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.17)†. But having already been exposed to these elements in parts of Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia the recent acquisition of Amil, whose services are dispersed throughout Brazil, will face minimal encumbrances. Additionally, Amil’s products and services are much similar to those offered by UnitedHealth Group and thus effortlessly adapting to the new markets. The new market, which consist of over five million people, have been exposed to Amil’s health and dental benefits and have access to 45,000 contracted physicians (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.5). 4). Technology A). â€Å"Our ability to adequately price our products and services, to provide effective service to our customers in an efficient and uninterrupted fashion, and to accurately report our results of operations depends on the integrity of the data in our information systems †¦technology initiatives and recently enacted regulations, changes in our system platforms and integration of new business acquisitions, we periodically consolidate, integrate, upgrade and expand our information systems capabilities (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.26).† B). Technology is fundamental to UnitedHealth Group. In their earlier years, the Company provided physicians with office software that managed and controlled cost. Investing in technology can be costly, but for UnitedHealth Group it serves as a competitive advantage. One way UnitedHealth Group stays above average is by utilizing its information system’s user-friendly resources that help consumers control their decision on health care. These resources â€Å"provide greater transparency around quality and cost, such as the Premium Designation ® program and Health4Me for Apple ® and Android ® phones, myHealthcareCost Estimator, Health Care Lane and (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.2).† 5). Environmental A). â€Å"Relatively low interest rates on investments, such as those experienced during recent years, have adversely impacted our investment income, and a prolonged low interest rate environment could further adversely affect our investment income†¦delay in payment of principal and/or interest by issuers, or defaults by issuers, could reduce our net investment income and we may be required to write down the value of our investments, which could materially and adversely affect our profitability and shareholders’ equity (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.25).† B). As mentioned previously, UnitedHealth Group has an impact in the national and global economy. Due to its operations conducted on the international scale, UnitedHealth Group has significant exposure to environmental factors that directly affect shareholders’ equity. These factors include currency exchange, government intervention, and political instability. Because of the nature of the global economy, the Company must take preventative actions to protect their investments. This is exemplified when one takes note that the Company may choose to allocate its investments into smaller portfolios to help reduce exposure to the market. Additionally, the acquisition of Amil puts pressure on the company’s profitability. Fluctuating currency rates have an adverse effect on the Company’s cash flows. Thus, currency exchange may benefit UnitedHealth Group if not hindered by local government making transfer of funds difficult. 6). Legal A). â€Å"The Health Reform Legislation and the related federal and state regulations will impact how we do business and could restrict revenue and enrollment growth in certain products and market segments, restrict premium growth rates for certain products and market segments, increase our medical and administrative costs, expose us to an increased risk of liability†¦or put us at risk for loss of business†¦may also create new or expand existing opportunities for business growth, but due to its complexity, the impact of the Health Reform Legislation remains difficult to predict and is not yet fully known (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.11).† B). Health care regulations affects the whole industry who range from consumers to providers. Because insurance companies are so controlled, it obstructs the way businesses are run. Regulations that apply to health care companies, such as UnitedHealth Group, increases loss of business. For example, legislation will â€Å"includes an annual, non-deductible insurance industry tax to be levied proportionally across the insurance industry for risk-based products (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.35).† As a result, the Company is force to pay an upwards of $8 billion and gradually increasing every year. Porter’s Five Forces 7). Current Competitors (High) A). â€Å"†¦competitors include Aetna Inc., Cigna Corporation, Coventry Health Care, Inc., Health Net, Inc., Humana Inc., Kaiser Permanente, WellPoint, Inc., numerous for-profit and not-for-profit organizations operating under licenses from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, and, with respect to our Brazilian operations, several established competitors in Brazil, and other enterprises that serve more limited geographic areas (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.14).† B). The companies stated above are a select few who construct the health care insurance industry. The thin selection of insurance companies causes companies to compete highly with each other to gain market shares. Health care insurance companies are much alike offering similar coverage to their clients. In order to have the upper hand, UnitedHealth Group spends an ordeal amount of money on technology to differentiate their products. Thus created plans for members to be â€Å"provided access to clinical products with the goal of helping them make better health care decisions, and thus better use of their medical benefits, with the ultimate goal of improving health and decreasing medical expenses (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.14).† 8). Threat of New Entrants (High) A). â€Å"In particular markets, competitors may have greater capabilities, resources or market share; a more established reputation; superior supplier or health care professional arrangements; better existing business relationships; or other factors that give such competitors a competitive advantage†¦merger and acquisition activity has occurred in the industries in which we operate, both among our competitors and suppliers†¦Consolidation may make it more difficult for us to retain or increase our customer base, improve the terms on which we do business with our suppliers, or maintain or increase profitability (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.22).† B). Due to the limited amount of insurance companies, other companies compete for market shares. Top companies like UnitedHealth Group hold sizable portions in segmented markets. Moreover, mid-size companies merge together in order to increase their shares in the market. Similarly, bigger companies acquire smaller companies to broaden their consumer base such as UnitedHealth Group with Amil. 9). Power of Suppliers (Medium) A). â€Å"We contract with physicians, hospitals, pharmaceutical benefit service providers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and other health care providers for services†¦Failure to develop and maintain satisfactory relationships with health care providers, whether in-network or out-of-network, could materially and adversely affect our business†¦ (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.22).† B). A strong connection with suppliers is crucial to the company’s business because it has a strong positive correlation between prospective clients. UnitedHealth Group is one of the largest amongst other insurers and attracts an abundance of health care providers. As a result, an increase in suppliers dilutes their bargaining power. 10). Power of Buyers (High) A). Under our risk-based benefit product arrangements, we assume the risk of both medical and administrative costs for our customers in return for monthly premiums†¦The profitability of these products depends in large part on our ability to predict, price for, and effectively manage medical costs (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.16).† B). It is human nature to desire a variety of choices. Although health care insurance companies are scarce, their products and services are not. In the case of UnitedHealth Group, a full range of services are offered to employers and individuals. As a result, consumers have the choice and power to select a plan that suits them well. â€Å"As the commercial market becomes more consumer-oriented, individuals are assuming more personal and financial responsibility for their care, and they are demanding more affordable products, greater transparency and choice and personalized help navigating the complex system (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.2).† Acknowledging this helps UnitedHealth Group to stay competitive. 11). Threat of Substitutes (Low) A). â€Å"Our information systems require an ongoing commitment of significant resources to maintain, protect and enhance existing systems and develop new systems to keep pace with continuing changes in information processing technology, evolving systems and regulatory standards, emerging cyber security risks and threats, and changing customer patterns (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.26).† B). Technology serves as a great substitute compared to basic products sold by insurance companies. Technology consists of software programs that track your health, new medical treatment devices, and the ever changing Internet. The issue with technology is that it can get very expensive for both the company and the consumer. Therefore, only those who can afford it are amongst a few. Conversely, companies who are not developing new information technology will lose their competitive advantage and ultimately give up their market shares. Consumers are likely to find a cheaper and better alternative otherwise. SWOT 12). Strengths A). â€Å"UnitedHealthcare provides network-based health care benefits for a full spectrum of customers in the health benefits market. UnitedHealthcare Employer Individual serves employers ranging from sole proprietorships to large, multi-site and national employers, as well as students and other individuals†¦ (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.1).† B). UnitedHealth Group sustains a competitive advantage through its diversified products and services. Coverage is offered to large scale employers, military personal, the elderly, and those who cannot afford health care through government sponsorship. The Company reaches to consumers throughout the nation and even internationally. 13). Weaknesses A). â€Å"†¦legal actions we face or may face in the future could further increase our cost of doing business and materially and adversely affect our results of operations, financial position and cash flows†¦certain legal actions could result in adverse publicity, which could damage our reputation and materially and adversely affect our ability to retain our current business or grow our market share in select markets and businesses (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.23).† B). The health care industry has have a negative connotation. The public views insurance companies as scammers that rob society. Companies gain a bad reputation when they get investigated by the Government. UnitedHealth Group’s goal is to provide people with healthier lives, not rob them financially. Consequently, â€Å"negative publicity may adversely affect our stock price, damage our reputation in various markets or foster an increasingly active regulatory environment, which, in turn, could further increase the regulatory burdens under which we operate and our costs of doing business (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.18).† 14). Opportunities A). â€Å"UnitedHealthcare International acquired Amil, which provides health and dental benefits to over five million people and also operates 22 acute hospitals, as well as specialty clinics, primary care, and emergency services across Brazil, principally for the benefit of its members (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.5).† B). The acquisition of Amil will provide UnitedHealth Group with newer market segments, more consumers, and increase the company’s revenue. Amil will also offer diversified product portfolio that contain a range of products offerings, benefit designs, and indemnity products. Furthermore, Amil will include various administrative services which include network access, care management and personal services (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.5). 15). Threats A). â€Å"Several of the provisions in the Health Reform Legislation will likely increase our medical cost trends. Examples of these provisions are the excise tax on medical devices, annual fees on prescription drug manufacturers, enhanced coverage requirements†¦the prohibition of pre-existing condition exclusions and the implementation of adjusted community rating requirements (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.19).† B).As mentioned in the PESTEL breakdown, under the analysis of the legal realm, Health Reform Legislation causes a serious threat to the well-being of UnitedHealth Group’s business. Excess taxes take away from the company’s profits thus rendering them unable to reinvest into their company. Lastly, prohibition of excluding pre-existing conditions may increase the risk and medical cost in the future. Competitive Strategy 16a. â€Å"We believe the principal competitive factors that can impact our businesses relate to the sales, marketing and pricing of our products and services; product innovation; consumer engagement and satisfaction; the level and quality of products and services; care delivery; network and clinical management capabilities; market share; product distribution systems; efficiency of administration operations; financial strength and marketplace reputation (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.14).† In order for a company to have sustainable competitive advantage, they must abide their company’s vital principals. UnitedHealth Group does not only accomplish their objective, but they surpass other companies’ strategy. First they exceed in sales by offering premium services such as UnitedHealthcare and Optum products. The company also provides a variety of these products and services ranging from value-oriented plans to essential-oriented plans. Secondly, UnitedHealth Group has an exclusive network system that only clients have access to. Clients have access to physicians and hospital that meet their unique needs. Moreover, the Company serves to large national employers, public sectors employers, and midsize employers to individuals. As a result, UnitedHealth Group is â€Å"providing nearly 27 million Americans access to health care (UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2012, p.2).† Lastly, UnitedHealth Group is a massive health insurance company which has enabled them to control ample market shares. Their recent acquisition with Amil shows how strong UnitedHealth Group is financially. Overall, UnitedHealth Group is a leading company in health care insurance proven by their business factors. The Company uses a differentiation strategy to maintain its competitive advantage. Article 16b. UnitedHealth to buy most of Brazils Amil for $4.9 billion The company is making a bold move taking on the fast growing markets of Brazil. UnitedHealth Group has made record on being the first to acquire manage Care Company across seas. The acquisition will bring UnitedHealth Group more leverage and revenue to its operations. â€Å"Amil has more than 5 million clients in Brazil and owns 22 hospitals and 50 clinics. It forecast revenues of $5 billion for 2012, up 15 percent from 2011. UnitedHealth had revenues of nearly $102 billion in 2011 and expects the deal to slightly increase its 2013 earnings per share ( Ultimately Amil’s operations will be similar to UnitedHealth Group in that it will provide its products and services to new market segments. In addition, â€Å"Brazils healthcare system consists of public and private plans, similar to the U.S. model. The number of Brazilians covered under private plans has grown more than 50 percent over the past 10 years to nearly 48 million people, roughly a quarter of the count rys population († Work Cited Humer, Caroline. UnitedHealth to Buy Most of Brazils Amil for $4.9 Billion. Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 08 Oct. 2012. Web. 25 Sept. 2013. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. (2012). Form 10-K 2012. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website View as multi-pages

Friday, September 20, 2019

Market position of Bisleri

Market position of Bisleri The case discussed below is about the biggest brand in the world of mineral water that is Bisleri, the company as all of us know is the best in its field but due to some problems before some time its production was stopped by the government and at the same time its customers who cannot find Bisleri anymore shifted to some other brands and its market share decline The discussion below is about the actual market position of the company using the SWOT, Porters five forces and the PESTEL framework which analyzes the actual position of the company in the industry as well as the market and society. Contents INTRODUCTION: Water is one of the basic necessities for human life to survive on this planet today getting pure water is not an easy task with so much harmful chemical being disposed into the water by various industries is making the water harmful for drinking. 71% of the earth is made of water out of which only 1% of water can be used by living beings. Among this 1% of water 50% of water is polluted. (Upadhyay, 2005) According to the Bureau of Indian Standards there are 1,200 bottled water factories all over India (of which 600 are in one state Tamil Nadu). Over 100 brands are vying for the Rs. 1,000-crore (Rs. 10 billion) bottled water market and are hard selling their products in every way possible better margins to dealers, aggressive advertising, catchy taglines. In such a scenario, The Strategist takes a look at how it all started with Bisleri and how Ramesh Chauhan, chairman, Bisleri created a market out of pure water. (Bisleri, 2008) This is an SWOT analysis report of one of the premium, recognized trusted brand in the Indian bottled water market named BISLERI INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD. This is enjoying the huge share in the market both in bulk segment in small packs. The origin of BISLERI lies in Italy and the brand owes its name to its founder MR.FELICE BISLERI, an Italian entrepreneur. In 1967, BISLERI set up a plant in Bombay for bottling and marketing actual mineral water, which did not quite work. By 1969, BISLERI wanted to exit the business and to help him out the Chauhans bought the brand, intending to turn it into a soda brand. (Raturi, 2005) Since then it has come a long way. Now, it owns a large percentage of shares in the Indian market and also it has its presence in International Water Market. (Bisleri, 2008) Tag line of Bisleri: WATER EVERYWHERE BUT JUST A LITTLE THAT IS CLEAN SWOT ANALYSIS ON BISLERI: STRENGTHS 1. QUALITY STANDARD: Every bottle of BISLERI is put through a rigorous Multi stage purification processes which includes micron filtration and ionization. It acquires 6 stages of purification processes which ensure quality water which is pure and safe for drinking purpose. Good manufacturing are the strength all the time processing in religiously monitored at every stage. (Vora, 2009) 2. TRUST FOR BRAND:- More than 5 million people trust the BISLERI. They buy only BISLERI water because it has became generic name for mineral water. For example: When people go to buy the mineral water many of them ask for BISLERI, even though they get other brand. 3. LARGE RANGE OF PRODUCTS:- BISLERI offers a large range of products which attracts consumer of all categories. For example: 1 liter or 500 ml pack is useful for individual buyers, 12 liters or 20 liters is useful for organization. Therefore it attracts large number of customer. 4. MARKETING:- BISLERI is promoted by an aggressive print TV. TV is backed by a Hoarding point of sale material. Every interface with customer is used as an opportunity to reinforce. For example: All vehicles used for supply have been painted in light green, bears the BISLERI logo sport catchy baseline likes drink and drive. 5. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. With little belief in the distributor system, the company leverage its large fleet of truck to supply bottled water directly to retailers through a system called Route Selling where the driver of truck is trained to be a service person. This ensures that water supplied is fresh and bottles are in good shape. BISLERI has more than 80,000 outlets in the country. 6. EXPERIENCE OF MR.CHAUHAN (M.D OF BISLERI) From the vast experience of marketing Gold Spot and Thumps Up, Mr. Chauhan knows that distribution plays a crucial role in the successful marketing of bottled drinks. He knows that making fresh water available within a particular period of time is crucial for its success. He is pursuing a multi- pack and multi- price strategy. 7. BULK SEGMENT IS USEFUL FOR HOUSEHOLDS ALSO:- Households in certain parts of the country spend a huge amount of money on fuel in order to purify the water. They are supposed to buy the impure water and then they have to spend money to purify it. For instance the water scarce south people spend large some of money to buy water and still more to purify it. The 12 liter product is hit in various cities of south. 8. GROWING POPULARITY:- The popularity of BISLERI is increasing rapidly day by day. People in the market when it comes to mineral water a person goes to any shop and asks for BISLERI as his/her first preference. BISLERI is seeing a growth of almost 50% per year. With the small pack being popular among individuals user its bulk pack is also generating the huge demand which is capturing the market for BISLERI. Today 60-70 % of total income of BISLERI comes from its bulk segment and the company is planning to increase it up to 80%. 9. THE BREAK AWAY SEAL:- Keeping in mind the consumers need to recognize a genuine product that cannot be tempered with. The unique cap has been patented and cannot be duplicated. This technical strength ensures that the consumer will only get a high safe product when they will drink BISLERI. (Vora, 2009) WEAKNESS 1. METHOD ADOPTED FOR DISTRIBUTION:- THE ROUTESELLING policy adopted by BISLERI for distribution is more expensive than more commonly followed method of appointing distributors in different towns. This reduces the profit of company. The dealer margin is reduced due to this .therefore not many dealer keeps BISLERI in many areas. Indirectly this is reducing the coverage of BISLERI. 2. REUSE OF BOTTLE BY LOCAL SELLERS AND ILLEGAL MANUFACTURERS:- Market research conducted by BISLERI revealed that the other overriding concern for this set of buyers is the tampering of seal and the reuse of bottles. Many have witnessed used bottles being refilled at railway stations. This deteriorates the brand image of BISLERI. For example: local sellers fill the bottle of BISLERI with impure water and the bottles are purchased by illiterate customers as BISLERI water but they buy water of low quality. In this way brand of BISLERI gets affected. 3. FAULTS IN PRODUCTION:- Tests conducted by various authorities shows that it contains pesticides. In 2002 the 2cm long insect was found in the bottle of BISLERI. This has affected its sales and reputation. The license of its two factories one at Noida and other at Bangalore has been cancelled because of fault in production. 4. PRESSURE BY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY:- After insect was found in the bottles, FDA (Food Drug Adulteration) has cancelled the production of BISLERI. Afterwards it was allowed to resume it but in this period its customer were moved towards other products. It is constantly under check by various authorities. 5. NOT MEETING THE DEMAND OF THE CUSTOMER:- In certain parts of south in our country big bottles of BISLERI are in huge demand but the company is unable to meet the demand of the consumers. This is affecting the demand for the product. So People are forced to use other brands of mineral water. (Hiteshi, 2010) OPPORTUNITY 1. FAST GROWING FIELD:- The best beverage for India in the new millennium seems to be water. In recent years, the bottled drinking water market has been witnessing high decibel level of activity, with a host of new entrants. The bottled water market which worth Rs. 1000 crore is expected to be Rs. 5000 crore by 2010. This will increase a lot of scope for bottled water market. 2. BISLERI CAN UTILISE ITS DISTRIBUTION CHAIN:- With BISLERI becoming a generic name for bottled drinking water. If company can manage the distribution chain of the product to make it available where the consumer needs it the most, the company may well succeed in his gamble with water. For this the company can connect it with dealers and other distributors who will market the products for them all around the world. 3. EXPANSION IN EUROPE:- The launch of BISLERI in the European market on 4th September, 2003 has created a lot of scope for BISLERI in the field. This will also compensate the deterioration of image; BISLERI has suffered after insect wasfound in the bottle. It will silence the critics and it will also increase the faith of the customer for the brand. It will create an international brand image and the quality will increase. 4. LAUNCH OF PREMIUM PACK:- The company also has its premium product range. This is prepared keeping 5-star hotels and other premium customer. This pack will be sold at Rs. 20 per liter. This will give a tough competition to the EVIAN, the biggest player in the premium water range which sells its 1 liter water at a hefty of Rs.85 per liter. 5. CHANGE OF IMAGE:- The company has changed the colour of the product. It has changed from blue to green. By changing the colour, the company has provided a new product to the consumers; they will be getting a new and a refreshing product. 6. INCREASE IN PRODUCTION:- BISLERI is eyeing the Market and is in the process of increasing the production by setting 4 new plants adding to its 23plants. This will increase the production capacity of the company. (Hiteshi, 2010) THREATS MARKET IS EYED BY THE BIG PLAYERS:- The growth of the market indicates the need for the mineral water. Due to this the heavy weights are eyeing the market. Coke, Pepsi, Britannia, Nestle, Auswater-is keen on raising their stakes in this market. With the cut throat competition between Coke and Pepsi, BISLERI is not safe. ENTERING OF NEW PLAYERS:- To get some share in the market many new players are entering in the market. Among them major names are Godrej, which is launching its product AQUA-PURE and Tata-Tea is looking forward to bring Himalayan, this will increase the competition. Also Britannia which is distributing EVIAN is planning to launch its own brand. There are also new entrants ATCO with BRILLIANT water, DS FOODS with CATCH are also coming. Even Hindustan lever is planning to enter into the market. This is giving a tough competition to the current water brands including BISLERI. WATER FILTER MANUFACTURERS:- BISLERI is not only getting competition from mineral water maker but is also facing a tough competition from various water filter manufacturers such as Eureka Forbes (Aqua guard). They have been marketing there purifiers in the market which has decreased the sales of bottled water supply to homely customers. ILLEGAL MANUFACTURERS:- Company is facing a tough competition from illegal manufacturers in the rural areas. The illegal manufacturers provide water at a very cheaper rate then the branded manufacturers. There are 1000s of illegal manufacturers which are providing the water at a very cheaper rate. This is a serious problem for branded manufacturers. This companies also use the fake name of branded bottled water i.e. BISLERI and supply their products in the market. STRONG DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL OF THE OTHER MANUFACTURERS:- Analysts feel that BISLERIS break away seal will not at all be effective the company having strong distribution channel will only survive. This rings the warning bell for BISLERI because among other players Kinley and Aquafina are having a strong distribution network of Coke and Pepsi. Nestle will be banking on its chocolate distribution network. Even though the BISLERI has a strong networks but its concentration on bulk segment can lead to improper network. For example: A chemist who is selling the 1 litre pack may not sell the 20 litre pack. This could disturb the network. NEW GOVERNMENT POLICY:- For preparing 1 liter of mineral water 3 liters of ground water is required. Government was not charging tax on the extraction of the ground water. Now by introducing the new policy government is going to impose tax on the extraction of the ground water, this will increase the production cost because of which the companies will be forced to increase the price which all consumers of all categories cannot afford. The companies can compensate the high production cost by reducing their marketing expenses but this will keep the consumer unaware about the product. This is also affecting the quality of the bottled water. (Vora, 2009) (Porter M. , 1980) PORTERS FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS: Analyzing the above through the porters framework: As we can see above that the company is going through various threats instead of being in a good position and capturing a large market share still it is facing a very tough competition from the existing competitors as big players like Coke and Pepsi are keen to increase their market share and both of them being the biggest competitor of each other, there is a hyper competition in the market and a cut throat situation where any of the companies can take away the market at any time without being late in order to rule the market. Bisleri being in the market of water which a very profitable area faces the new entrants threat also as brands like Godrej, Tata Tea, Britannia, Atco, DS Foods etc. are coming out with their own brands and trying to make money in fact some of them are even out with their brand and planning to modify and expand it which in turn increases the threat to Bisleri with the fear of losing the market share. (Gerry Johnson, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 2005) (Porter M. E., The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, 2008) PESTEL ANALYSIS: Analyzing the above through the PESTEL framework: As can be seen above that the company is affected a lot by the new government policy and that is to charge tax on the extraction of ground water but now the government is imposing tax which is a major concern for the company as to manufacture 1 liter of water they need to extract 3 liters of water from ground which in turn will increase their cost of production which they will try to reduce by reducing the quality of the product which will in turn harm the health of people and company image. (Gerry Johnson, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 2008) CONCLUSION With this SWOT analysis we have derived the conclusion that: The base of BISLERI water is very strong in the Indian market. Its managing director is one of the biggest achiever in the packed water bottled market; it is found that its weakness lies in the production. The company was in trouble because of its production related techniques; The Company has a lot of opportunity which can be exploited in the future which will give the company a profit, proper utilization of opportunities will be a key to survive in the market, But with more and more competitors entering the market, there are also various threat to company. One wrong step can lead to a white-wash of company from the market in the future. REFRENCES: Bisleri. (2008). Retrieved January 1st, 2011, from Charles Hill, G. J. (2009). Strategic Mnagement Theory: An Integrated Approach (9th ed.). South-Western . Economic Times of India. (2010). Fruity flavoured water from bisleri to hit market soon. finewaters. Gerry Johnson, K. S. (2005). Exploring Corporate Strategy (7th ed.). FT Prentice Hall. Gerry Johnson, K. S. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy (8th ed.). FT Prentice Hall. Hindustan Times. (2010). Bisleri to launch flavoured water soon. Hindustantimes. Hiteshi. (2010). SWOT analysis of Bisleri Co. Hitt, M. I. (2003). Strategic Management (5th edn ed.). Singapore.: South-Western. Porter, M. (1980). Competitive Strategy. Free Press. Porter, M. E. (1996). What Is Strategy? Harvard Business Review. Porter, M. E. (2008). The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review. Raturi, P. (2005). And this is how Parle Bisleri began. Rediff. Upadhyay, S. J. (2005). Mineral Water of the World. Vora, Y. (2009). Bisleri.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Miltons Struggle With Society Essay -- Biography Biographies Ess

John Milton's Struggle With Society John Milton, unlike so many other authors and public figures during the English Civil War, is remarkably easy to place within a historical context. As a vocal supporter of the Commonwealth, Milton left a great deal of information and writings behind to explain precisely how he fit into 17th century England. As Secretary for Foreign Tongues, or Latin Secretary, he worked closely with many of the foremost members of the anti-monarchial regime, such as Oliver Cromwell. As politically active as he was, Milton was equally vocal on matters of religion; he was prolific in his writings against both the Catholic and Apostolic churches. Milton's beliefs and political views were diverse and unique; thus, as Andrew Milner is quoted in Thomas Corn's work, Milton was, "in fact, an Independent pure and simple" (113). Though Milton's political, social, and religious views are made stunningly clear through an examination of the large body of evidence he left behind, it remains difficult to comprehend the significance of his major epics, including Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. While they are undoubtedly significant as reflections on biblical stories, there seems to be a deeper significance that relates directly to Milton's political and religious beliefs. Indeed, it seems clear that Milton intended not merely to retell the biblical stories, but to infuse them with significance beyond mere religion. In order to understand most anything about Milton, one must first understand Milton's world; one must understand the English Revolution and its historical roots. The revolution began in 1579 with the reformation parliament that formed under Henry VIII. Though parliament itself w... ...d Corns, Thomas N. "'Some rousing motions': the plurality of Miltonic ideology." Literature and the English Civil War. Ed. Thomas Healy, Jonathan Sawday. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 110-126. Fallon, Robert Thomas. "A Second Defence: Milton's Critique of Cromwell?" Milton Studies 39 (2000): 167-83. ---. Divided Empire: Milton's Political Imagery. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. New York: Viking, 1977. Knoppers, Laura Lunger. Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in Restoration England. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1994. McAdams, James R. "The Pattern of Temptation in Paradise Regained." Milton Studies 4 (1972): 177-93. Orgel, Stephen, and Jonathan Goldberg, eds. John Milton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Â  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Psychological Manipulation in 1984 Essay -- George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, is a superb novel with outstanding themes. One of the most prominent themes found in this novel is psychological manipulation. Citizens in this society are subject to ever present signs declaring â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU† (Orwell 1). Along with psychological manipulation, physical control takes place. The Party not only controls what people in Oceania think, but what they do as well. Technology is another important theme. Without the constant telescreens, microphones, and computers, the Party would be all but powerless. Big Brother is the main figure of the Party. The main symbol that drives these themes is the telescreens. It is representative of the party always watching and controlling everyone at all times. Psychological manipulation the Party uses on the citizens is one of the first themes Orwell exposes in this dystopian society. The Party maintains this manipulation by constantly overwhelming citizens with useless information and propaganda. And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested. (Orwell 82) Winston Smith, the protagonist, is having a frustrating conversation with an old man about life before the Revolution. He figures out that the Party has purposely set out to weaken the people’s memories in order to make them unable to challenge what the Party claims about the present. If there is no one who remembers life before the Revolution, then no one can say that the Party has failed. In reality, the Party has failed by forcing people to... ...of Nineteen Eighty-Four are not going to be forgotten any time soon. Psychological manipulation is quite possibly the most realistic of the themes. In conjunction with psychological manipulation is physical control. The Party is a totalitarian government and controls every aspect of life. Technology is yet another important theme. Technology is what gives the Party their power and influence. Big Brother, the symbol, as well as the telescreens are motifs that help drive the main conflict. Works Cited Knapp, John V. â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-Four† Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Ed. Carl Rollyson. Hackensack NJ: Salem Press Inc, 2000. 2451-2452. Magill, Frank N. Ed. â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-Four† Masterpieces of World Literature. New York NY: Harper Collins Publishers, 1989. 582-585. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York NY: Penguin Books Inc., 1977.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The ambiguity in “My Papa’s Waltz”

Theodore Roethk’s â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† is a poetry of the twentieth century. When discussed, the poem instigates again and again some very interesting and conflicting opinions. Often examination of this brief and seemingly accessible poem inspires animated debates on the possibility of messages of child abuse and alcoholism. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†, recounts the treasured childhood memories of the poet. The structure of the poem, the iambic trimetric quatrains has the rhythmic romp of the waltz. The poem should be read within the context of its time frame.This poem was authored in 1948, an era when readers would not have shared the same emotional response about these issues that are displayed by contemporary readers. The meaning of many phrases and words in the poem can be misinterpreted as an indication of child abuse. A close reading and analysis of the poem help us avoid such misconstruction. According to Karl Malkoff, Roethke had a deep almost religious respect for his father, Otto Roethke. He had admiration for his father’s ability and fear for his strength. Otto Roethke owned greenhouses and worked in them as well.Roethke saw his father with his labor helped the flowers grow. His love combined with his awe-inspired dependency that a son has for his father can be clearly seen in the poem. The poem consists of four iambic trimetric quatrains. The rhythmic style and the rime patter of the quatrains (‘breath’, ‘death’ and ‘easy’, ‘dizzy’,) make us feel the rhythm of the waltz. It shows the good time the boy is having with his father. As the readers of the last decade of 20th century, we are very much aware of the issues of child abuse and alcoholism.We are conditioned to think even the slightest hints of abuse and alcoholism as glaring sigs of problems. These subjects were not heard at the time when it was written. Moreover his use of the word ‘papa’ sh ows his affection towards his father. The first line of the first stanza, â€Å"The whisky on your breath†, does not necessary mean that his father is drunk. He may enjoy a drink before going to bed. He hung on to his father like death while dancing because it is a rowdy waltz. The use of the word ‘death’ can mean that he was enjoying the dance and he has a tight grip on his father so that he did not fall.In the next stanza we find that the dancing pair makes a mess of the cans in the kitchen and her mother frown at their behavior. Other than frowning, she does not take any actions to stop her father which can only mean that it is not a case of child abuse but a father spending some time his son before the child goes to bed. In the third stanza he says that his father’s hand was battered on one knuckle. The reason can be the hard labor his father put to maintain the greenhouses.If we imagine a situation in which the boy is standing on his father’s f eet while dancing, each time his father misses a step; his ear will come in contact with the buckle. This is what he means by â€Å"My ear scraped a buckle†. The first line of the last stanza, â€Å"You beat time on my head† may mean the father lovingly putting his hand on the boy’s head with the beat of the waltz. The last line â€Å"Still clinging to your shirt† reveals the boy’s wish to stay with his father and not go to bed. The analysis of the poem asserts that it is a recollection of the happy days of his childhood.The autobiographical elements, the structure, the poem in context of the era in which it was written and a close study of the poem show that is a reminiscence of the loving memories of author’s childhood which had shared with his father. Though the poem seems to be a positive memory, there are lines, ‘The whisky on your breath’ and ‘But I hung on to like death’, which shows the violence and underlin ing danger in such a dance. The activity is exhilarating, as often with children, they are impressed by things that scare and thrill them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Arguments For And Against Biofuels Environmental Sciences Essay

The human organic structure has ever needed energy -food – for the most of import and critical twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities. A major function for the production of the energy which keeps us feasible and in gesture is carried out by the Sun. The importance of the Sun as an energy supplier was underlined by Stephen ( 1977 ) : â€Å" The Sun provides these nutrients, or bio-fuels, that maintain us alive, and fossil fuels are in a sense stored bio-fuels, for they were populating organisms eons ago. † Carbon is the chief denominator of bio-fuels, somehow a by-product of the sunshine is derived from biomass or bio-waste. The full biomass or bio-waste like renewable bio-fuels as methane, organic waste and liquid fuels are abundant in C. This essay will see the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing bio-fuels and it chiefly will mention to renewable biomass or bio-waste. Finally, this survey will weigh and reason if the utilizing of bio-fuels is worth th e attempt. We live in a universe where dodo fuels – coal and oil – are critical for heat, transit and electricity. The issue which concerns us the most is the fact that we are traveling necessarily to run out someplace in the hereafter. We can non afford 1000000s of old ages until the nature provides us with new militias of coal and oil, hence the solution would be to utilize bio-fuels on a current footing. The most effectual reply to the energy deficit which lies in forepart of us is the renewable energy, for case solar, tidal, air current, geothermic and hydraulic power. The energy beginnings mentioned above are cost effectual and for the most portion environment friendly, besides that we are ne'er traveling to wash up the sunshine or the air current for the simple fact that those resources are of course replenished which makes this solution a lasting one. Furthermore, as Kruger ( 2006 ) stated â€Å" Biomass ( and the bio-energy obtained from it ) comes from agribusiness. † There is an copiousness of workss from which we can bring forth bio-energy. The most common substances known for their bio-energy bring forthing belongingss are starch and peat. We can pull out amylum from workss such as murphies, rice, maize and manioc ; these workss are known for their cost-efficient production and they can be found in about every corner of the planet being cultivated by work forces from a really long clip. In writer ‘s sentiment peat can be more effectual – cost effectual, for the simple ground that it is found in the nature, compared to the amylum which is a by-product of a cultivated works – than amylum in the production of bio-fuels for it can be found on a really big graduated table around the universe. Harmonizing to the World Energy Council ( 2007 ) † [ aˆÂ ¦ ] the entire country of peat lands approach es 3 million kmA? , or about 2 % of the entire land surface † . Nevertheless, there are many other workss from which we can bring forth bio-fuels, particularly for transit. The most well-known bio-fuel used for transit is the bio-ethanol produced from amylum, saccharose ( a by-product extracted from sugar cane and sugar Beta vulgaris ) , lactose and cellulose. The most of import advantage of the bio-ethanol is that besides the fact that this bio-fuel assures the handiness of fuel for transit in the hereafter, it makes an tremendous part for the restriction of C dioxide emanations. For illustration, as Guderjahn in Handbook of Fuels edited by Elvers ( 2008 ) states that bio-ethanol â€Å" [ aˆÂ ¦ ] engines have been utilized in coachs that have been used for more than 15 old ages by the municipal transit companies in Sweden [ aˆÂ ¦ ] . The figure of ethanol-fuelled coachs in the state is around 400. † Furthermore, another beginning exploited for the production of bio-fuel is carnal and human waste such as animate being droppings, municipal waste and sewerage. These wastes by the procedure of anaerobiotic digestion – in absence of the O – are transformed into methane gas, fuel used chiefly for heating. Its benefits are incontestible, for it replaces coal, the limited dodo fuel. In add-on, the production of biogas can ease remotion of the human waste and litter from the sewerage systems and landfills around the major metropoliss. On the other manus, the production of bio-fuels has some drawbacks refering the environment, wellness, safety and energy ingestion. Equally far as refering the air current power energy, disadvantages that chiefly bears on the air current Millss such as noise pollution, falling blades and structural jobs caused by the quivers leads to injury and damage to the milieus and sometimes to employees who are working on the building and care. In add-on, air current Millss interfere with the flight waies of birds impacting their migratory wonts. There are many other environmental and economic facets sing renewable energy, such as fish migration and wellness that are affected by the temperature alterations of H2O armored combat vehicles used to bring forth electricity by hydraulic power. Furthermore, the building of tidal power workss sometimes can raise inquiry Markss sing the highly high costs and the electrical end product generated. Geothermal energy production installations can take to set down remission and pollution caused by the S and ammonia thrown into the waste H2O. Sing the usage of biomass to bring forth bio-energy scientists underlined some specific jobs, such as: wellness, safety, air pollution and the big sum of energy ingestion for the aggregation of biomass. Ih-Liu ( 1998 ) gave an illustration: â€Å" Yunnan Province, in Xuan Wei County in China, has the highest rate of lung malignant neoplastic disease in China for both its male and female populations. [ aˆÂ ¦ ] In 1982, [ aˆÂ ¦ ] scientists discovered that polycyclic organic compounds were being released from coal and wood-fired ranges [ aˆÂ ¦ ] which are carcinogens, are byproducts of uncomplete combustion of the biomass [ aˆÂ ¦ ] † . This assignment has explained the instance for and against the usage of bio-fuels. One of the of import thoughts within this essay is that in the hereafter the planet will run out of the widespread dodo fuels-coal and oil-utilized for about everything that puts world in gesture. Despite the fact that in the future bio-fuels are traveling to be produced on big graduated table whether if they are harmful or non, there are many advantages of utilizing renewable energy. The most of import advantage is the fact that the Earth will ne'er run out of ego replenished natural resources supplied by nature. From this point of position, the most of import assignment for the specializers and scientists working in this field should be to happen out how to fudge the negative facets of utilizing bio-fuels.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business operational Essay

To provide learners with an understanding of the role and importance of operations management (OM) in the efficient and effective production of goods and services. Scenario: WH Smith is a major, well-known and publically-quoted book retailer and newsagent in the UK. Recently it was reported how Kate Swann, the former CEO for the last 10 years, has turned the company around from ? 135m losses to ? 106m profit in a decade. (source: www. theguardian. com/business/blog/2013/jan/23/wh-smith-kate-swann-profit, accessed 1 October 2013) (Also see copy attached) This is an example of how the principles of operations management can be used to reactivate a firm. How did she do it? Using the above as a starting point, together with other information sources, which you should research yourself, on WH Smith, you are asked to address the Tasks below regarding operations management. Task 1 (this meets LO 1, ACs 1. 1, 1. 2 and 1. 3) Based on the Scenario, produce a document explaining the nature and importance of Operation Management and its key elements. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. A definition of OM and an explanation of its importance; II. The key elements of OM; III. The need to produce goods or services on time and to cost, with the right quality and within the law; IV. The role of OM in achieving strategic objectives; and V. Produce systems and sub-systems diagrams for any WH Smith operations processes, including a brief explanation of your diagrams. Task 2 (this meets LO 2 ACs 2. 1, 2. 2 and 2. 3) Based on the Scenario, produce a document explaining the relationship between OM and strategic planning. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. II. III. Explain the implementation of the â€Å"3Es† in WH Smith; Critically review the tension between cost minimisation and quality maximisation in the context of WH Smith; and Assess the importance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management. Task 3 (this meets LOs 3 and 4 in full) Base on the Scenario, produce a document explaining how to organise and apply relevant techniques in a typical production process. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. II. III. IV. Comment briefly on the importance of operational planning and control. Explain what linear programming is, and give an example in relation to any part of the operations of WH Smith; Produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path for any operation in WH Smith. (for this task, you should include a set of operational outcomes, which are clearly defined). Explain how quality can be defined and maintained. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria In order to Pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the Learning Outcomes for the unit. The Assessment Criteria determine the standard required to Pass this unit. The Assessment Criteria will act as a guide to help you put into context your answers to fulfill the Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 1. 1 explain the importance of operational management 1. 2 explain the need to produce safely; on time; to cost; to LO 1Understand the quality and within the law nature and importance 1. 3 explain the link between operations management and of operational strategic planning management 1. 4 produce a systems diagram to illustrate a typical business 2. 1 explain the ‘Three Es’ (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) LO2 Understand the link between operations 2. 2 explain the tension between cost minimisation and management and quality maximisation strategic planning 2. 3 evaluate the significance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management 3. 1 explain linear programming LO3 Understand how 3. 2 evaluate critical path analysis and network planning to organise a typical 3. 3 explain the need for operational planning and control production process LO4 Be able to apply relevant techniques to the production of an operational plan for a typical business 4. 1 produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes 4. 2 produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path 4. 3 explain how quality could be defined and maintained. INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR LEARNERS This assessment and the Tasks above are designed to assess your achievement of all four of the Learning Outcomes and associated Assessment Criteria for a Pass in the ‘Employability Skills’ unit of the qualification you are undertaking. Your tutor/ deliverer will advise you when you should start work on the assignment, the date when you must hand in your completed work and when you can expect to get your mark and feedback on your work. Guidance on this subject is provided on page 1 of this assignment brief. You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all four learning outcomes of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified. There is no official guideline wordcount or percentage marking (other than Pass/ Merit/ Distinction/ Refer). By way of guidance only for this particular assignment, it is recommended that you write a minimum of 2000-2500 words total and match the weighting of your efforts to the wordcount indicated. Your statements in answer to the Learning Outcomes need to be prefixed with the specific Learning Outcome title or at least the Learning Outcome number. This will help you keep on track and should ensure you address the details. You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this assignment, listing reference material and web sites used. The assignment result will be published on BITE’s Moodle online education materials platform, normally within 6 weeks of the submission date. If your assignment is assessed as referred, you will be notified with an indication of the areas to be addressed. You may resubmit an assignment, or submit a new assignment, on a further two occasions during your period of registration as an Institute learner with Edexcel. If there is anything in these instructions or in the assignment itself which you do not understand, please seek guidance from your tutor/ deliverer. Merit grade Descriptors For learners to achieve a Merit they must: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions Indicative characteristics Learners must demonstrate that: An effective approach to assignment planning, study and research is in evidence Evaluations and judgements, using evidence, have been made Problems with a number of variables have been considered Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques A range of relevant theories have been included Relevant theories and techniques have been applied to the case study A range of different sources of information have been used The selection of methods/techniques of analysis and use of source material have been justified Information/ data has been synthesised and processed Present and communicate appropriate findings The written assessment is coherent, shows logical development and a sound understanding of theories, concepts and research evidence The written assessment demonstrates that an appropriate structure and approach has been used The written assignment demonstrates a writing style appropriate for audiences both familiar and unfamiliar with the subject. The written work is clearly written and technical language has been accurately used Distinction grade Distinction descriptors For learners to achieve a Distinction they must: Indicative characteristics Learners must demonstrate that: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and evaluation of research evidence and have been justified The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria Realistic and informed recommendations have been proposed against defined characteristics for success Take responsibility for managing and organising activities. The written assignment shows excellent planning, is organised coherently and is clearly expressed Independence of thought and gathering of research material has been demonstrated Material used has been clearly understood and well organised The importance of individual and group behaviour in organisations and its management has been recognised and addressed Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking. There is evidence of self-generated ideas with evaluation Convergent and lateral thinking are evident in the written assignment Creative thinking is evidenced with unfamiliar material. Problem-solving is in evidence Innovation and creative thought are in evidence Receptiveness to new ideas is evident Ideas have been generated, evaluated and informed decisions/ recommendations are made. Case Study: WHSmith †¢ WH Smith: Kate Swann turns ? 135m losses into ? 106m profit in a decade One of the UK’s most highly regarded – and highly paid – retailers achieved success by going against the grain WH Smith chief executive Kate Swann favours the old retail adage: sales are vanity, profits are sanity. Photograph: PA When Kate Swann arrived at WH Smith in 2003, there was a widely held view that the chain’s days were numbered. A decade on, she has turned losses of ? 135m into a profit of probably ? 106m this year, and shares that were languishing at 250p are now changing hands at 650p. Swann is now one of the UK’s most highly regarded – and highly paid – retailers. Yet she has achieved this remarkable feat by breaking many of the â€Å"rules† of running a successful high street retail business. When Swann announced she was pulling out of selling music and DVDs because the profit margins were thin and getting thinner, rivals thought she had taken leave of her senses – she was instantly kissing goodbye to about 30% of Smith’s turnover. On a same-store basis on the high street, WHS now sells roughly ? 65 of goods for every ? 100 of custom seven years ago. The demise of Zavvi and HMV in the face of online competition shows it was a brave – and correct – decision. Swann favours the old retail adage: sales are vanity, profits are sanity. By focusing on profitable sales and cutting costs relentlessly, she has boosted profit margins – according to analyst Nick Bubb by an almost incredible 15 percentage points. While other retailers have been pouring resources into the digital world, Smith’s big online strategy is its Funky Pigeon card site. Instead, Swann plans to open more shops, even though they are, to be frank, deeply unpleasant places to shop, stuffed with stock and screaming promotional banners. While the supermarkets have to tread carefully in the products they offer and have been targeted for displaying sweets at the checkout, Smith’s has sold stationery aimed at teenagers and young women adorned with the Playboy bunny motif and Swann’s checkout assistants attempt to force-feed the nation giant bars of Galaxy and chocolate oranges. Her secret? Maybe it’s the low profile. While many rivals enjoy the limelight, holding forth on the woes of the economy, the lack of women in the boardroom and political issues such as the in-out debate, Swann says nothing. She doesn’t give interviews. On Wednesday, at Smith’s AGM, a shareholder stood to offer thanks for her transformation. Asked to respond, she merely said: â€Å"Thank you, let’s move on. † No doubt she will. There will be a queue for her services.